Jiho is human. I think as readers we have more context but if you were with someone and th...

Erza September 28, 2024 8:03 am

Jiho is human. I think as readers we have more context but if you were with someone and they kept getting worse and you thought them patching things with their mom would help you would. Inwoo is hurting and it makes sense for him to think all Jiho feels for him is pity. I hope he gets better. The villain in all this is the mom.

    Willow September 28, 2024 9:19 am

    Her mother is THE ROOT of his problems. His separation anxiety, his numbness to food, his self disgust etc..
    Even if Jiho was qualified to touch that subject, he shouldn't have done it the way he did.
    How on earth would someone think that it's a good idea to expose their lover to the most horrifying thing they've experienced in their life without any warning?
    The least he could do was to discuss it with a therapist before taking action.
    If it was me, I'd cut him off the first time he did this shit.

    Erza September 30, 2024 5:03 am
    Her mother is THE ROOT of his problems. His separation anxiety, his numbness to food, his self disgust etc..Even if Jiho was qualified to touch that subject, he shouldn't have done it the way he did.How on eart... Willow

    Yeah I get what you are saying.