Author ended suicide boy bcs he wants to make something like this same concept but different backstory suicide boy restricted by genre, not bl. that’s why. I feel like the suicide boy ending was rushed and unsatisfying. The color well yes I guess he disliked coloring and might have some health problem (said recent notice)
It’s fun tho. They’re so pathetically chaotic unserious horny school boys also each chapters getting better (worst lol)ヾ(☆▽☆)
Ok so ive read a little bit of suicide boy and i liked the edgy vibe it gave so i came to look at their other works, and why does their art look like it backtracked.. like it looks worse to me in this work. Im not here to bash on anyone lol the story is a whole other box im not touching bc i havent even read it just looked through the album. Maybe im just turned off by the coloring