can i be honest?

uena September 28, 2024 3:10 am

I find Remilia x Angel totally boring

    Marshmallow September 28, 2024 3:36 am

    Well i love Remilia, but I don't think she suit romance.... Angel are very pure in romance, and he's a very good ml, i don't really want him to be manipulate by Remilia. I don't mind she manipulate him to use his power (no romance transaction), but I'm uncomfortable when she get the power using his feelings, u get what i mean?
    I don't mind if she's really do love the Angel tho, but so far i haven't see any that she is, all just an act.

    nerd September 28, 2024 3:36 am

    ngl i thought this was yuri with em x rem, but it's for the revenge so we endure

    blepperdoodles September 28, 2024 3:45 am

    I don’t think Remilia would ever conceivably return Angel’s feelings, but I do think Angel’s crush on her is super cute lol. For now she’s just using Angel to her advantage

    Lipilu September 28, 2024 6:02 am

    It doesn't feel genuine bc it isn't ( ̄∇ ̄") Rem is living a lie but since she's planning to live out that lie forever I don't feel to bad about it (just a little).

    rotten September 28, 2024 6:42 am
    It doesn't feel genuine bc it isn't ( ̄∇ ̄") Rem is living a lie but since she's planning to live out that lie forever I don't feel to bad about it (just a little). Lipilu

    I think rather than a lie, Remilia is more trying to live up to the image Emi created for her after so much hard work, Like a persona - that's why she always refers to it as "Emi's Remilia". She feels very deeply for Emi, the first person who genuinely cared for her so obviously she also wants to live up to the expectations Emi's hardwork created.

    Also while Remilia has a lot of somewhat malicious thoughts and interests especially against anyone who has harmed Emi, she is also very careful to not let her maliciousness actually harm or even negatively effect the people who are around (in a way, people she considers her own even though she never mentioned it outright). Even when she manipulates them, she never let's her manipulation or even the dark intentions (mostly revenge driven against Emi's culprit) behind those manipulation harm them.

    Her overpowering love for Emi is definitely her biggest driving force for anything and that will most probably never change, but maybe because its so overwhelming that her other subtly developing feelings & affection are not obvious. She actually likes the people around her like Sophia, Thorne and even Angel. Nobody can fake affection constantly for their whole lives.

    (Spoiler - and she definitely has them around her for her whole life based on the novel spoilers)

    Not saying Remilia is a good person because she is not (spoiler- especially after what she put Lina [The soul in Pina's body] through, a fate worse than death while most of the guys didn't get enough of a bad end which feels misogynistic with the rape and all that)
    but she definitely cares for the people who are around her