Her personality is clearly of someone who held back all her life. She doesn't know how to stand up for herself because she always had to be responsible for someone else's shit.
So now, her way of "rebelling" is by doing what she has never done before: smoking.
She is too nice to do any bad to anyone. She won't put the ex on a debt, but we can't say the same for Taeha.

I do understand that, truly, I guess I'm talking from an entertainment POV. It's not that I don't have empathy or understanding of her character, but I guess it bores me that she chooses to smoke a cigarette when asked what she'd like to do . It doesn't move me in a way I would expect an author to want to effect their audience. But I guess that's a me problem:) This one probably isn't for me. Enjoy tho... think I'll delete and move on.

Think of it this way, even before she mer mincheol, her life at home was that of poverty and abuse and so she didnt have space to do normal “teenage” things. then she met mincheol and the abuse and neglect cycle repeated. till this point, all she knows is to survive by bare necessities. shes not had experiences with normal “fun” things that other people would think of. so she thought of something that she was constantly surrounded with but never took part in, that is cigarettes. obv im sure the ML will show her there are more things, better things, that bring joy to life than this but its where she started from bc in that space of mind that she is, cigarettes is all she could come up with bc (1) another reminder of mincheol and (2) her stressed situation which she thinks could be lessened with something she’s never tried before.

yes, like I mentioned , I do understand.. It's just not interesting to me.. I'm not trying to be harsh or combative, it just bored me. Also, I think someone who had the terrible life this character has had, could still come up with something more than a cigarette. I know the author is making a statement. It just doesn't make me personally feel compelled to read on. But I wish you and all those who ARE enjoying this , the best time :)
of all the things she wants to do after living through that is to try and smoke a cigarette? geez... I am having so much trouble respecting her character, this is just one more let down for me personally, not fun entertainment. I also wonder why she can't just borrow money in her ex's name and pay off the debt she got from him? Perhaps because they're not married.. but I would enjoy a story where she looks for a way to dump his debt back on him.