I hope this trash ends ASAP

mary September 27, 2024 7:02 pm

I hope this is setting up dochan endgame.

In this chapter, we see Joohyuk giving up on being eunohs savior. Instead he is willing to sacrifice himself, and give dochan the opportunity to rescue dochan. We also saw in a previous chapter, when dochan and Joohyuk were talking, that Joohyuk is aware eunoh has feelings for dochan. (I mean eunoh not reciprocating his feelings is why Joohyuk roses him. Joohyuk knows that eunoh doesn’t feel the same way).
It might be cliche to have MC end up with the guy who saves him, but this whole story has been mediocre, predictable plot lines.

When he was still chained up, eunoh thought about dochan, not Joohyuk

I hope the next chapters we see Joohyuk acknowledge what he did. After all, eunoh is marked from when Joohyuk assaulted him. If dochan notices that, he will likely check in on eunoh and ask him about the marks. That is the PERFECT opportunity for Joohyuk to take accountability for his actions (and for dochan to punch him).

This is a good spot to end the story. Unless the author drags things out, this is a natural place to have a dochan endgame.

(Side stories though… please please, I want to see more dochan. We can even get a side story that’s of eunoh and Joohyuk when they were in high school still best friends. Seeing them more friendly would be nice, and would serve as a nice contrast to their current more antagonistic relationship)

In truth, I probably just want this story to finally end so I can be freed. Even though these last ten or so chapters have been awful, I have been unable to release the clutches this manhwa has on my soul.
