Get help and drink some water. You're clearly dehydrated and your brain cells are shrinking and fluid volume is dangerously low. It's just a thought. Just a thought that these kind of authors should not be encouraged to write pieces like this coz it sends a wrong message. That's all. Y'all with all your tanking moral values can't,for one second, stand someone who has an opinion different than yours. A huge sign of of being an educated illiterate. Yuck. Disgusting illiterates. Calling someone bully coz they don't like the fact that the author might be enabling rapist mentality, shows A HELLA LOT about what kind of people you guys are and eewwww stay away stinkies. Saying the author can write whatever tf want. Ofcourse they can. But me along with other readers who have some sanity left(you uneducated individuals wouldn't know) can also decide for ourselves if what the author writes is good or not. We don't support rapists getting a good future or happy ending. but y'all having no standards,no values and no class wouldn't understand. That is pitiful to watch. Get help. Drink some water. Go into anger management too. Y'all desperately need it. Buh bye.

For an "elite", you sure are stupid for "motivating" a bunch of freeloaders on an illegal porn site to "boycott the author" when neither the author nor the publishers gives a fuck about your opinion. Even you should be "smart" enough to see the stupidity of your ignorant utterance. But then, other people are always the "illeterates" with dumbasses like you!
If this is supposed to be the redhead's redemption arc of some sort for MC to end up with him and If dochan isn't the end game, let's all just boycott the author and their work from here on out coz that means they're clearly the kind of person who enables rapes and want to send an idea that after a below mediocre sorry, the rapist can get away with it and deserve a happy ending. Let's not support these kind of ideologies ever.