I really liked it at first. The story was going so well when he was searchi...
Honest opinions about this-(from someone who is in all likelyhood trans, st
uhm- I can't even-
I always knew this was the ending since this was never supposed to be a yao...
This story is frustrating. It’s kind of hypocritical for me to be upset since I’ve enjoyed similar stuff before, but seriously, it’s ignoring some major issues such as, perhaps, consent.
Furthermore, once the character became a woman, he suddenly became all weak and submissive, which like, huh? WTF? Plus, the fact that the story does not acknowledge that the character was a man. It is a mess.
Also, Just because Tarao admires the bitch doesn’t mean Inuzuka (the bitch) can do whatever he wants to him!
I was hoping for some depth in the story, such as Tarao struggling to adapt to his new body, and Inuzuka following the laws of consent, but instead, it’s all about smut with no real emotion. I wanted Fem Tarao to be able to fight back, to retain his muscles instead of just magically losing his strength which he cultivated when he was male and which should not have suddenly dissapeared.
His combat prowess, personality, all of his sense of self suddenly dissapears when he becomes a woman and he all of a sudden becomes so very submissive and accomodating and its just... ugh....
Basically, I’m just really disappointed and frustrated.