It's the part where yoonsung woke up after the accident. His family knew that he got hit the hardest because he angled the car in a way that would protect hakyung at the last minute. So they intended to tell him that 'han jiyoung' was actually a man because they thought that would make yoonsung's feelings disappear. But when he woke up the first thing he did was to ask the nurse what happened to the MAN who was sitting beside him in the car, meaning he knew all along hakyung was a guy. So instead the family made it look like hakyung died to force yoonsung to give up on him.

iirc he started to recover his memory after they came back from his grandfather's house (manhua chapter 33). The full memory recovery came when he read his old journal that was brought back from the house (manhua chapter 41). So now Yoonsung knows exactly who Hakyung is but he's pretending not to because he knows that Hakyung will run away unless there's solid proof.
Chapter 65 just came out and good lord.....the pain......
Spent the last 30 minutes crying to sad music in my room lmao. Poor Yoonsung Grief is portrayed so well in this manhwa. Just thinking about how they were separated for so long after THAT is so painful