What, who replicated everything they see in fiction that’s not how it works(though some people might), and what happens is that fiction can effect people mentally, swaying there opinions on things and making them hate or like some things they might have been more neutral on before. People can also get ideas for reality on how to do things cause of fiction too.

only one? nahh dude idk what kind of manhwas/gas/huas u are reading but in almost every comic that i read there are always ppl who will be against any wrong act among the ones you mentioned (ofc i'm one as well), so much so that i think the ratio of ppl who call out is more than the ratio of immoral defenders (which is actually quite good)

lmao what, bl popular only cuz of smut?? it seems they haven't met anyone who reads bl for the plot but it's also kinda understandable as to why they think that way, esp since almost all of the popular bls are basically gay pwp. i'm thinking either, they themselves only read bl for the smut or only avoids reading bl at any cost

Bro's history and read list was full of bL.
Shounen and smut too. (Acc recently made just this year or last year I forgot)
What and how bro agrued back was saying 'i found a comment asking "where is the smut?"'
Like literally it was like trying to explain to a dog who won't evn budge his/her's own point.
I explained to her about manga and manhwa popularity difference...bcoz I told the bro that mainly only bL manhwa are more popular bcoz it's literally not available in books version but in digital version. And as for manga I told her it's not that popular in digital version bcoz as we knw it somhow has a world wide connection for selling in books and it's black and white sedly (tho not it my country unfortunately).
But bro just took Google's help with the exact copypaste sentence and words trying to prove my point wrong..
Idk what and how she/he eevn think bL is popular bcoz of smut...... It's like he/she is indirectly calling us sluts

lol. i actually don't have any problems with ppl who read this kind of genre but ppl who consistently tells us to move on from rape, abuse, sa, and etc..., because apparently, "it's just a fiction" is such an ass move and makes me somewhat angry.
my point is, consistently reading those kind of stories may actually change your opinions and mentality. just because most of yaoi manhwa have rape and sa on their plot doesn't mean it should be normalize, right? most of ppl who'll say that it's just a fiction doesn't realize that they become accustomed to such acts and eventually rape, sa, and abuse in every story will be normal to them.
(we don't like it when the victim ends up with their abuser bruf)
abuser x victim is rlly an ass pair, especially in stories that don't include a psychological tag to address its complexities.

Yep I don't disagree that fiction can influence people
But having someone on the internet dictating what other people should and shouldn't read is not the way to go.
The first commenter said "We defend it like our life is on the line" ...... why is it such a big deal to you? That strangers on the internet are reading these types of work?
And how exactly are you defending it? By commenting things like "you people don't have common sense because you are defending xyz" when other readers talk about the bits of the work they like? I think that sort of response would make the readers get annoyed and defensive, especially if it's repeated multiple times every time a chapter updates.
And where is the line drawn as to what is "okay" to read and what is not? I read a story recently where the main character is a gangster. Shouldn't we call out every manga/manhwa that features a gangster, since it promotes violence, thuggery, and using force to get what you want?
We don't do that because we know that sort of behaviour is wrong. Because we use other sources to form our ethics and morals - sources like the news, real life anecdotes, other pieces of fiction where gangsters aren't shown in a positive light. This also applies to rape, domestic abuse etc.
Fiction is an influence, but it is -just- an influence. If you use manhwa/manga solely to form your world view, then the problem doesn't lie with the manhwa/manga themselves, but of how you choose to obtain your information
it feels like im the only person on this site that can use common snese because why r yall defending r@pe, domestic abuse, incest, ect