Honest review! Mini spoilers up ahead.

fangz September 27, 2024 1:00 am

It's a bit repetitive. So much to the point where if their misunderstandings continue the story might get boring.

The female lead and male lead have their vast differences, from their height down to their personalities.
However, the story just repeats itself through recurring feelings - like the male lead constantly viewing the female lead negatively and thinking she has ill intentions, while the female lead either believes that he's going to lock her up or something much worse.

I do honestly believe the story can get better though! They simply just need to make it more eventful and less repetitive. I can see amazing potential within it!!

I recommend this for anyone who's into romances that involve height differences, obstacles within the romance, nobility, fantasy, and perhaps likes to test their patience with how many misunderstandings keep happening lol.

So far - 7/10
