
Yellowcanary September 26, 2024 5:53 pm

I been a Oushi supporter since day one and I just find the current situation for him so heartbreaking. I think it’s sweet that he is being honest with himself even if he sees the writing on the wall. In this situation only he will be hurt and he knew it and when through with it anyway. I don’t think I want Oushi and FL to stop being friends anymore but I think Oushi will need time to heal over this. I still think ML should stop trying to push his friendship on Oushi when he has made it VERY clear that he doesn’t want it even if he is currently tolerating it.

I do think he will need someone to help pick up the pieces of his broken heart and I know everyone is saying the girl with the dog is the best choice but like why? Because she’s there? Because she likes him? We know nothing about her other than those two things. I think she will help him but I can’t say I agree with them dating afterwords. If anything I see the opposite happening that Oushi doesn’t get with his first love and she also doesn’t but they both still support the other one anyways.
