This will take forever. I won't read this for now because all that's waiting for me is Lay...

Ace September 26, 2024 1:13 pm

This will take forever. I won't read this for now because all that's waiting for me is Layla's misfortune. All of those are because of that freaking Matthew.

*Clau's cousin almost 'accidentally' run her over
*Uncle bill's green house's accident
*Uncle Bill finding out the affair of Layla and duke and "the reason" why she became matt's mistress
*Kyle's mother (this Bitch)
*Unc bill being 'betrayed' by his friend (the messenger or driver? Is unc bill's friend and knows everything but didn't tell him
*Uncle bill being iconic for wanting to kill Matthew with a gun but Layla stops him (will always be my fav scene)
*Layla and uncle bill running away with Layla (100/10)
*Layla finding out she's pregnant after they ran away to another country
*Uncle bill died
*Matt cancel her engagement with clau (10/10)
*Matt being a walking dead after Layla disappeared
*Matt stepping up to go to a war with the country that Layla's in
*Soldiers witness how their "captain is forcefully carrying a pregnant woman inside the barracks and putting that pregnant woman in a room that can be lock outside.
* Our doctor Kyle to the rescue and attacked the captain and all of the soldiers there saw and heard what Kyle was saying.
*Soldiers knew that their captain is in the wrong but can't do anything about it because first, he's the captain, second, he's a noble—a duke at that.
*Matt threatening Layla that he'll kill Kyle and will take her child to use it to her to bind her to him (so Layla won't be able to escape)
*Layla almost dying because of all the stress and fatigue and having a high fever
*Layla refusing to drink medicine because she might have a miscarriage
*Matt (at this point doesn't care anymore,all he wanted was for Layla to survive) and forcefully made her drink the med

(There's a lot of things I didn't include because it's been awhile since I read the novel and I don't even know where I read it)

Clau could have had it all but she was too late because he died (cousin who likes her, she also liked him but didn't admitted it because she wanted "greater things" like being a duchess, she got married in the end)

Layla and Matt got together in the end. Everyone thought that Matt died but he was saved by someone, yeah, he came back and went to Layla immediately. He wasn't there when Layla gave birth. Matt's grandma accepted Layla and was good to her while his mom is still a little sour about her being a commoner but she's like a tsundere? Everytime that someone would talk bad about Layla, matt will destroy them physically, mentally and financially, he's that petty. I actually liked matt's development in the end. Layla studied again, Kyle went away to study, I guess? But he didn't marry in the novel because he's focus on his career. I remember that he even say that he'll be the father of Layla's child anytime she want but L didn't want to.

Yeah, she got pregnant again and matt's mom even joked how their blood are very powerful seeing that her child with Matt only resembles matt

    Ace September 26, 2024 1:23 pm

    I missed a lot of details but maybe y'all can look it up on Google or watch it on TikTok. I didn't liked clau at first but after finishing it, you'll understand her. If you were in her shoes, you would probably do worse. Clau was the one who told uncle bill about the affair. Clau's very classy about it, she didn't hurt Leyla or does the typical things like sending thugs, poison, stepping on her, pouring a drink on her head, she didn't. Clau is smart but I think she uses her brain more (it's understandable). Because all her life, even when she was young, her mother did everything so her daughter (clau) will be the perfect duchess. So, naturally, clau grows up thinking that her purpose is to become a prefect duchess. In the past, she knew how Matthew looked at Layla but she didn't really care because she thought that it will come to pass but she was wrong. Matt break their engagement and focused on finding Layla. Matt couldn't eat and sleep properly. He's not the perfect duke that they was knew. He forgets about his appointments, he's taking a lot of sleeping pills because he could see Layla in his dreams. Even her mother noticed her perfect son's deteriorating health —be it physically or mentally.