Under The Green Light

Serena September 26, 2024 7:31 am

This might be my new favorite! The art is amazing. I’m really loving this story, it actually has a pretty good plot and Jin’s/Matthew’s relationship was getting so cute towards like chapters 50’s-60’s something. I like that this manga is very serious, but sometimes comical as well. You can see in some of the chapters where Jin will make funny faces and even his henchmen or assistants are hilarious (and really sweet actually). Jin is so beautiful with his pale skin (looking like a vampire lowkey) and Matthew’s sharp green eyes look as if they can pierce through you. They’re so bright and pretty. BUT I did not expect Matthew to fucking Sedate Jin like wtffff and for 3 whole fucking days? Jin trusted him and I know his henchmen told him to make sure to not let him go out there because it’s dangerous and he might not get so lucky next time, but damnnnnnn Matthew might’ve actually fucked up their relationship. This story is nuts, but I love it! I can’t wait for the next chapters. Good shit author! This might be the best yaoi manga I’ve read in a min and child Matthew was so cute :( ALSO, Brandon can go to fucking hell… leave Jin alone! Damn! The chairman woman is actually really cool tho and I wonder if Matthew ever makes Jin a good coffee? Lmfaoooo

    Rdtwt September 26, 2024 9:40 am

    Same and even I would love to know does matt finally made good coffee for jin