
Oopsie! I think i accidentally ignored ur response lol but it was never meant to be srs, the amount of stupid replies I got were some of the dumbest things I’ve ever had to read. Ppl replying keep making it srs and it just pisses me off cs how brain dead do u have to be to keep yapping and yapping. Lowkey forgot what some ppl were replying with but it’s the same thing over and over again like how out of touch are they? I believe my point was valid and I won’t change that.
why r some of y’all so mad abt my opinion or comment. it’s sad seeing how ppl don’t have the reading capability to understand what im trying to say. Don’t pull bullshit out of ur ass, it won’t help u. if you rlly don’t understand a point of my comment then either keep scrolling and move on w ur life or feel free to ask a question(without being a fucking asshole) bc some of the replies r so fucking stupid that it’s sad. Like genuinely, read through it b4 making shit up. And honestly i remember being so tired and angry when reading this manga lol I should reread it