In the novel it makes way more sense
Ruby lured her brother there and purposely set it up so Freya would tell Izek and bring everyone to catch her brother creeping. Her original plan was for everyone to see her getting a spanking.
Her brother tore her down so bad that she confessed that she loves Izek and would never leave his side and so he went nuts on her and beat her so bad and said alot of gross awful things. The dialogue in both is similar but he says more creepy things. When the crowd sees Ruby at the end of the abuse she is all beat up and cut up and they all heard the brothers confession and Ruby telling him off. Ruby is suppose to look more gorey than what is drawn. If they made it true to the novel it would be easier to understand why everyone suddenly is on her side
I’m a little confused. Do they all finally realize that it was Ruby’s brother that was abusing her? We see Izek who seems to have put the pieces together, but did the rest of them? I feel like it’s kind of anticlimactic reveal. I get there’s a war, but I don’t know, I don’t feel as if the gravity of Ruby’s situation was ever really reflected on by those around her. I guess I’m just a sucker for a dramatic groveling and apologies—I just want Ruby to realize she hasn’t done anything wrong and she deserves the world.