Are there any other translation on the other site?

kkvvv123 September 26, 2024 3:00 am

Just asking, I was going to read this years ago I couldn't bring myself to read it because of all the disrespectful comments about the author and stories. #-.-) and now I kinda want to read it but still couldn't get pass chapter 3 lmao

    miawtsm September 26, 2024 10:56 pm

    i mean, the clean chapters without translation notes are there too

    marshmallow September 27, 2024 1:54 pm

    I feel like they were justified. Not putting disclaimers and warnings is a dickhead move. On the other hand though, them pushing their agenda on others was fucking annoying as hell and came off as virtue signaling considering the fact that they're translating it and pandering to those who DO enjoy it.

    Yugipotato September 30, 2024 8:00 am
    I feel like they were justified. Not putting disclaimers and warnings is a dickhead move. On the other hand though, them pushing their agenda on others was fucking annoying as hell and came off as virtue signal... marshmallow

    REAL I gen liked this a lot so even tho it’s easy enough to just ignore hate in the comments it was annoying having it spammed in the actual translations. Some of us ACTUALLY wanna read this lol #-.-)

    If u want OP there’s a version on my reading manga that’s higher quality and no rude comments but it’s only up to chapter 21