They raised the scale too soon, the fightshave already reached such epic proportions that ...

Adam September 26, 2024 12:39 am

They raised the scale too soon, the fightshave already reached such epic proportions that they're not gonna be interesting anymore unless they get more mechanically intricate and intelligent. Right now it's just "oh, you think you got me, but now I'm gonna use an even BIGGER power" over and over again. And it's well drawn, but that's kinda it.
What does him having 100% of his power now even mean? It's not gonna be a noticeable difference, because he was already overpowered

    anon September 26, 2024 1:57 pm

    honestly i agree but then again maybe this is more than just a revenge story and perhaps attach to history in a multi versal manner, like how come a new god has appeared and why the power increase is so exponent and faster than the gods, it has def correlation to that unknown civilisation, how come they’ve waited X amount of yrs if they were just gonna take over humanity shouldnt they have done so already esp w lee gun gone or more so distracted

    Q-slowly September 26, 2024 6:20 pm

    I think we are not even half way through the novel. We are going to be introduced to more interesting arcs other than revenge. I believe MC enemies are going to be over the top “gods” or evil “gods”

    Adam September 26, 2024 8:19 pm
    I think we are not even half way through the novel. We are going to be introduced to more interesting arcs other than revenge. I believe MC enemies are going to be over the top “gods” or evil “gods” Q-slowly

    That's the thing though, I think the plot is fun and interesting. I like the revenge. I just think the fights are becoming increasingly lackluster.