
So far, author is being fair imo. Tattoos are kind of cool, not only the darker/black men has them, we get to see some during Japan's arc with the "yakuza" style, or just on the korean characters. (Our mcs don't have any bc they are underage.) And as for the violent thing, we also get to see some with the 2 brothers wanting to end our jo. If we dived into stereotype, all the addicted to drugs could be of darker skin. But that's not the case
As much I love this manhwa for its storytelling and amazing art-style, I'm not fond of how darker skinned people are portrayed more specifically, black foreigners. They're either heavily tatted gangsters, and violent. It seems used to make the opposing lighter skinned character look better in contrast, I doubt its intentional by the author. But as a black reader, it's leaving a bitter taste in my mouth of how the darker and/or black men are portrayed in this manhwa. I'm not accusing the author of any malice intent, it's just something icky that I picked up on.