It's a good plot

Frosche79 September 25, 2024 4:31 pm

It's the first time that I've encountered a story like this and it's very bizarre and interesting to me.

I like the unique plot. It would've been a lot more popular had the art been more visually appealing. The art is, frankly, too simple and it makes most of the characters look like children so at times I can't take it seriously. There are a lot of plot holes as well and things that don't make sense, but all in all, it's a decent story.

FL had 3 husbands, the first one was assassinated, the second one disappeared with their child, and the third one didn't have a good relationship with her, she gravely misunderstood him because of lack of communication. All of them, she was sold to by her assh*le of a father.

It's frustrating that the FL won't listen to ML (not really sure if he is), the 3rd husband, whenever he tries to reach out to her. And honestly, I see her as a fool affected by the past because she lets it affect her whenever she encounters them in the present.

However, if I was in her shoes, if I was the one who went through all of that, I will probably do the same. She was greatly hurt by her past that she denies their existence in her new present. Because she's afraid. She doesn't want to be hurt anymore so I get that. I can't empathize but I do sympathize with her.

By the way, I really, really, REALLY hate her father here. I hate him the most of the trashy fathers I've seen so far, and that's saying a LOT. He neglected the FL, abused the wife (her mom), cheated on them, let other people abuse them, clearly showed favorites between his daughters, sold her not just once or twice, but THRICE! Three men!

I really hate this character. Like, how in the world do you sleep at night treating your daughter like some kind of doll to be passed on to different men! He also abandoned her, left her AND her stillborn child, HIS GRANDCHILD, to rot in prison! He didn't help her, he didn't even tell her husband about it because he wanted his other daughter to be the kaiserin and take her place on the throne. How sick can you be!

How much of a trash can you be, he doesn't even deserve to be a father. And the gall! How dare he try to make up for it in her next life! He's despicable, if I were her I would strip him of everything he owns. Torture his favorite kids in front of him and have him watch them die. I'll torture him for months on end and then I'll leave him to die.
That's how much of an evil person he is, enough to make me imagine doing all of than to him.

In any case, this was good in terms of the level of uniqueness of the plot. Other than that I can't say anything good about it. Don't know if I should recommend it or not, but I won't stop reading it because I'm already too far in to back out now.
