I CALLED IT. It was bullshit to "protect the top". The bottom in this is so painfully stup...

S-J-M September 25, 2024 3:27 pm

I CALLED IT. It was bullshit to "protect the top". The bottom in this is so painfully stupid and weak I don't even enjoy reading this anymore. Stop putting it all on Jaewon to fix this, fix the naive stupidity of the person that claims to like him yet will break up, get sexually assaulted, and pay money to "protect" him without ever saying a word about it. That's not love, that's not noble sacrifice. I'd feel awful if someone did that and not know how to trust them.

    Cyxx September 25, 2024 5:44 pm

    Eunho wanted to play hero instead of talking things out and solving that shit together like BRO and ppl saying like “omg Jaewon hug him” “moveee” “tell him you like him” like mf’s is in the middle of a mental breakdown blaming himself and feeling guilty about a choice he didn’t even make

    S-J-M September 25, 2024 6:11 pm
    A FUCKING MENEunho wanted to play hero instead of talking things out and solving that shit together like BRO and ppl saying like “omg Jaewon hug him” “moveee” “tell him you like him” like mf’s is ... Cyxx

    EXACTLY. How do you handle coming to terms with your feelings for a person who just harmed themself to "protect" you without trusting you enough to let you in on it? Was thinking you were "dirty" enough of an excuse to break up and do it again instead of fighting for your crush? There's a lot to unpack. Top is emotionally stunted but the bottom is near irredeemably helpless.

    Nefi September 25, 2024 6:52 pm
    EXACTLY. How do you handle coming to terms with your feelings for a person who just harmed themself to "protect" you without trusting you enough to let you in on it? Was thinking you were "dirty" enough of an e... S-J-M

    i feel like this is the perfect depiction of the classic "blackmailed into misunderstanding" trope but from the POV of the person on the receiving end of the blackmailed behavior, which is kinda refreshing! usually all you see is the bottom's internal struggle to figure out the right thing to do, they always choose wrong, then they come clean, the top gets mad, stalks away angrily , then a day later he's sorted his feelings out on his own which he may or may not reveal via exposition and then all is more or less forgiven.

    i do think it's kinda funny how we're all so not used to seeing it from the top's POV that it's short-circuiting our expectations of normal human behavior lol