Let's go to mental hospital together. I noticed that you're desperate as me. But still not hating Jeyyy she uploaded so many chapters. it's ok to take a break, but please just say it to us, so we won't wait here like a bunch of idiots
Let's go to mental hospital together. I noticed that you're desperate as me. But still not hating Jeyyy she uploaded so many chapters. it's ok to take a break, but please just say it to us, so we won't wait her... Panstyr
Let's go to mental hospital together. I noticed that you're desperate as me. But still not hating Jeyyy she uploaded so many chapters. it's ok to take a break, but please just say it to us, so we won't wait her... Panstyr
Lmao guys i read all your comments I can feel your desperation and excitement for the chapters. I apologise for being late due to my exams Hope you have fun reading chapters lots of love to you and @Yay.yay
Lmao guys i read all your comments I can feel your desperation and excitement for the chapters. I apologise for being late due to my exams Hope you have fun reading chapters lots of love to you and @Yay.yay Jeyyy
ITS OKAY I GET YOU,SCHOOL IS SHIT.I hope you did well on your. exams now i can stop gambling on tappytoon just to get the points lmaooo
does anyone knows other sites to read this manga??like on tappytoon im too lazy to do the games for points