You are the one who said that she had no obligation to him in this life,and you also said that she wanted to save him from suffering. So meaning it was her own decision. Ian did not asked her to stay. Me who read the novel added the phrase/words "should lengthen" meaning her patience already existed but she needs to add more and more. He is not whining out of nothing but because of PTSD. And this comment/my comment is for the future events. I said that she should lengthen her patience,understand him more and needs to adjust to his new behavior because Ian is in the stage between wounding and healing,and there is a coming misunderstanding.
Madelyn should lengthen her patience and understand Ian more,she needs to adjust to his new behavior because it's not easy to cope up. The wounds and scars of war are still fresh to forget overnight. Ian's feelings for Madelyn is genuine and so is Madelyn for Ian. But there is a coming misunderstanding that will change their lives.sigh..