On the topic of this being rape why should there be a double standard? Richard tried to in...

0SilverRevil0 September 24, 2024 6:33 am

On the topic of this being rape why should there be a double standard? Richard tried to insert his penis into her vagina and it did not work. Courtney then forced herself and forced Richard's penis inside of her when he clearly showed hesitation. Any words of no, stop or any sign of hesitation means there is not full consent in this situation. So Courtney forcing his penis inside of her is also rape. Just because he wasn't the one being penetrated doesn't mean it isn't rape. And what he did after when she said no and kept going is also not okay. That's also rape. What I'm trying to reach here is that they're both inexperienced and stubborn and have done bad by each other. I do not think it's right for everyone to start saying the story is ruined because Richard is a rapist. Because them you're being a damn hypocrite. They're both rapist then.
