Whoa, whoa, whoa… rape?!

Yuki-Chan September 24, 2024 4:00 am

Why is the topic rape? Like I’m legit confused. I thought I was going to see some real fun topics about the newest chapter but all I see is everyone jumping to rape & accusing the people who don’t agree to be rape apologist. And all I have to say is please be for real! Let’s not make this beautiful consenting couple into something it’s not! Yes she said no & yes he may have kept going for a second but when she clearly said stop loud enough for him to hear, what did he do? You guessed it! He stopped! The best thing about manga is that the author sometimes allow you to hear both of the people thoughts & we clearly heard our beautiful prince thoughts about how it was his first time & how he was so happy to give that 1st time to her. We were also able to see that he clearly didn’t know how to do the do & how she stubbornly wasn’t going to take her time for him to learn. She very much wanted him & may have bit off more than she can chew! Which is why when she said stop he stopped. Just because he didn’t do it fast enough for your all liking does not mean he is a rapist. He legit did not hear babygirl! & just because we can clearly see her say stop does not mean she actually said it loud enough for him to hear it!

Let me also address the ones who don’t agree with the rapist allegations: it doesn’t matter if she consented up to that point & decided to change her mind. When someone says no it means NO! She had every right to say no & expected him to stop upon her request! Just because I don’t agree with him being called a rapist does not mean y’all’s argument about this is right! If he had heard her & the author made it know he did but continued anyways than & only than he would have been wrong & rape could be considered in that context! However I do need some of y’all to go touch grass on both sides of this argument because to immediately jump to rape is insane & we need to then have the conversation about how this could truly harm real victims! And to also disagree to such a extent that your claiming it’s not rape if they give consent only one time & can’t change their mind at all after that one time— yeah big SIDE EYE to you babes! Let’s all be real & enjoy the show!

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Like ñya September 24, 2024 4:41 am

    I totally agree with you !!!

    I too am hesitant with calling Richard a rapist for reasons I said on my topic. And also, you're right, he did eventually stop when he came back to his sense. Still doesn't mean what he did was right or wrong either.

    But, I just want to say respectfully, rape can be defined so differently by different people? Idk... Like it can mean both penetration and/or non penetration (especially if lets say the rape happened between 2 queer people who don't biologically have a penis). And like legally it would be just called assult when only touching is involved. Again it's really up to the reader and their discretion to what Richard did. We don't know if it because of experiences they're calling it what it is.And they're all valid to feel upset when the story so far has betrayed them. Yknow?

    Yuki-Chan September 24, 2024 5:47 am
    I totally agree with you !!!I too am hesitant with calling Richard a rapist for reasons I said on my topic. And also, you're right, he did eventually stop when he came back to his sense. Still doesn't mean what... Like ñya

    I wish I could like your comment because you are also absolutely right! And now understanding your perspective I do want to apologize because I didn’t mean to come off as if I was saying rape can only be interpreted one way. And other ppl experience can definitely make this a triggering situation, so “sorry to anyone who has read my comment and has went through something similar. I do not want to undermine your experience & feelings! And I pray that you’re able to heal from such evil actions”!

    I really did not want to come off as someone who defends rape or rapist. I just wanted some to understand that going off of how this story even started it seems like our FL was consenting at the time & had hurt herself with her own actions because if we even think about it our prince legit was so upset when she hit herself testing to make sure she wasn’t hurting him to bad. It’s just wouldn’t fit for his character to even be a rapist. Like he was sick to his stomach just thinking she was in pain. And if I had to guess going off his character development the next chapter is going to be him really turned off or begging to be punished for even to dare hurt his master. It’ll be very on brand for him to be apologetic.

    I truly hope this clears up any confusion my first comment may have caused. Again I really am sorry if I came off inconsiderate to other people’s feelings & experience to such a traumatic situation!

    Like ñya September 24, 2024 7:31 am
    I wish I could like your comment because you are also absolutely right! And now understanding your perspective I do want to apologize because I didn’t mean to come off as if I was saying rape can only be inte... Yuki-Chan

    honestly you're fine! you explained yourself and your persepctive clearly. no need to apologize!! there are honestly soooo many ways to read and interpret the chapter. its very nuanced situation that shouldnt be this deep. but media literacy is a good thing.

    plus you placed emphasis on making sure that people need to be careful on making assumptions because it does hurt real victims which is a really good thing!