
tokotoko September 23, 2024 5:45 pm

no way some of u are saying JJ was wrong for leaving Leo LMAO
JJ did everything Leo wanted and Leo did nothing back, not even for his birthday. Imagine asking for bare minimum (literally just a date on ur birthday) and get told “it’s too much work I don’t wanna” and the moment after u hear ur bf tell his friends yes to go to the club. Even Leo admits he was getting a car for JJ (that JJ didn’t ask for) for selfish reasons. You don’t have to be a genius to realize that a relationship isn’t one sided. Leo was selfish and a bad partner and he has realized this, there is no need to deny it, he’s not a baby, he’s adult enough to realize it. Also JJ did in fact tell Leo and even then, Leo just defended himself instead of reflecting. Now that he’s on the verge of losing JJ for good, it has woken him up.
Put urself in JJ’s shoes, yall would be way more petty than he is now lol. With that being said, I’m glad Leo is reflecting and I actually think they’re super cute together. There’s no denying they love each other, they just need to make it work.

    pennyinheaven September 24, 2024 5:30 am

    The story is in Leo's POV. But I can never imagine anyone being okay with any of this if this was told in JJ's POV. Team Leo's claim JJ doesn't communicate but he talks, it's just Leo's is not listening.

    JJ told him about New York, told him he wanted to go to a trip, told him he didn't want to be filmed. Like there's probably more that Leo just ignored hence we readers don't know because it's in his POV.

    tokotoko September 24, 2024 3:02 pm
    The story is in Leo's POV. But I can never imagine anyone being okay with any of this if this was told in JJ's POV. Team Leo's claim JJ doesn't communicate but he talks, it's just Leo's is not listening. JJ tol... pennyinheaven

    I feel like just simply putting yourself in JJ’s shoes would be enough. If JJ was ur friend the first advice you would give him is “leave him!!!” bc the man was receiving so little emotional affection and even had to ASK FOR dates which I assume I way out of character, JJ doesn’t seem like somebody who wants to complain or ask for things, but the man was desperate

    pennyinheaven September 24, 2024 4:43 pm
    YesI feel like just simply putting yourself in JJ’s shoes would be enough. If JJ was ur friend the first advice you would give him is “leave him!!!” bc the man was receiving so little emotional affection ... tokotoko

    If JJ dumped all his frustration to a friend? Oh heck yeah. I would've told him to leave in less than 5 years. I am thinking the behavior got worse when Leo got more popular as he won back to back comps. Ego was getting bigger. I can't imagine staying for 5 years or maybe not....because I wouldn't want to ruin Leo's streak. And maybe that's what JJ was thinking too. Ugh, it's sounds even worse.

    But yeah, not everyone can put their shoes on a character that barely shared their side of the story or at the least inner thoughts. Author mainly focused on Leo, his thoughts and his POV. Following his POV will definitely leave someone just as blinded.