on a completely unrelated note i’m still really interested in knowing more about what ha...

misterchan September 23, 2024 8:42 am

on a completely unrelated note i’m still really interested in knowing more about what happened after aeroc in the first life died. how did the first son rapiel even learn aeroc was his biological father? what happened when the second son jester got injured? really curious as to how all the kids reacted to the news as well.

    Boldie September 23, 2024 10:37 am

    Jester died.

    JustCallMeApples September 23, 2024 11:36 am

    Jester survived. He recovered according to the Author’s Note

    Lin September 23, 2024 11:59 am

    If I remember the spoiler correctly, the first son Rapiel meets Hugo, the old butler, he tells him everythings. Rapiel investigates, knows everythings, confronts his father then publishes a book about Aeroc's tragic life.

    gojospinkclit ♡ September 23, 2024 1:32 pm
    If I remember the spoiler correctly, the first son Rapiel meets Hugo, the old butler, he tells him everythings. Rapiel investigates, knows everythings, confronts his father then publishes a book about Aeroc's t... Lin

    good for him because wtf TT i'm still having a hard time forgiving kloff and idk if i ever will tbh, his son had every right to be pissed, my ass would kill him and cover it up as an accident, inform the siblings that their father was a piece of shit and then use the inheritance for good things like charity and a proper memorial for their mom jfc

    misterchan September 24, 2024 9:01 am
    If I remember the spoiler correctly, the first son Rapiel meets Hugo, the old butler, he tells him everythings. Rapiel investigates, knows everythings, confronts his father then publishes a book about Aeroc's t... Lin

    what happens after the book is published?

    Lin September 24, 2024 11:42 am
    what happens after the book is published? misterchan

    Everyone know about Clough's crime so he is alienated by all, still has his wealth though. He's used to be a big shot in Finance Ministry, I guess. Even his children don't want to meet him anymore. He died lonely, hallucinating about Aeroc's still at the wooden cabin. The Linus dude, who knows yet let Clough carried on his revenge, got seduce by Rapiel (son) and being heartbroken by the fact that he hates him for letting his mother tortured and died like that.