Nunca he usado una "palabra de seguridad". Basta con decir "me duele""para""detente""me dió un calambre" o "espera un poco" . Incluso el "hoy no tengo ganas".se supone que somos Seres racionales. Pero lleva un tiempo de adaptación de saber lo que le gusta a tu compañero y que él sepa lo que a ti te gusta, además de tener la suficiente confianza para preguntar si estás dispuesta a experimentar algo más y la complicidad de entender con un gesto o mirada lo que el otro quiere así que de mi punto de vista está bien son dos vírgenes que solo "aprendieron" la teoría.

I don’t think you guys are understanding that they are both indeed not just inexperienced on bdsm but also sex. They know nothing about it yes they have books about it but what’s to say those books talk about safe words? And aside from allllll that this is a first she’s in a moment of shock he’s also in a moment of experiencing such pleasure for the first time it consumed him. Yall just chatting to chat. They are BOTH inexperienced he’s never done it with a person neither has she and he’ll I bet they didn’t know it would hurt like that. They def didn’t know about prepping a virgin because who tf would think a virgin would have their first time with bdsm play. Let’s use our critical thinking here

Did you perhaps read the books with them? Did it state in fact that they are safe words in it? Maybe they discovered this themselves. And also no it’s not an excuse but it’s worth thinking about he was OUT of it. Literally was camatose doesn’t justify it but it happened! First time! LITERALLY FIRST TIME no one is perfect especially when they haven’t done it before. He didn’t expect it to feel so good and she didn’t expect it to hurt because we can’t ignore that at first he said it wouldn’t fit but SHE drew him in further forcefully. They learnt about bdsm maybe not all about it but they knew NOTING ABOUT sex
You know what else makes this SO dissapointing?? theyve both clearly done extensive research into BDSM. there is no way they dont know about safe words. but of course the author makes it so they dont make one and it ends up assault. WHY!! absolutely killed the vibe and made him like every other webtoon guy who only cares about his own dick. REWRITE THIS BRUH