it's kinda funny when people who side with J.J get more hate than the one who sides with L...

my hobby is licking a** September 23, 2024 3:05 am

it's kinda funny when people who side with J.J get more hate than the one who sides with Leo. There are people saying that they're both at fault, but let's be honest, if anyone here has done more mistakes than the other, it's definitely Leo. Even though we're seeing it exactly in Leo's perspective, he's acknowledging it as well, people still try to defend him as if he's gullible and has no idea what's going on. He knows what's going on now, yet still there's no change in his behavior. The way he's acting in the present and how he's treating J.J is no different than the past. He's not learning anything.
I really don't get why you're all defending him, saying people who support J.J are projecting. How does that make sense? I saw someone saying that, but then admits they like toxic characters, yet somehow people who defend J.J are far more worse? I get that complex characters are interesting, theres character development, they go through ups and downs, but that hasn't happened with Leo yet, he's still the same as before and you guys are thinking like he's had his redemption arch just because he's all depressed now and realizing his mistakes have consequences. Get real.
If anyone here is projecting, it's those people that still think Leo is right, despite his flaws being laid out in front of everyone every single chapter, you guys still continue to play blind.

    arielle_ September 23, 2024 3:19 am

    No one is right. Just because people dont agree with how leo is being treated doesnt mean they side with him. Lol its not redemption its him realizing thats its really over and he messed up i havent really seen anyone said they need to get back to together or anything just more so whats up with the aggression

    my hobby is licking a** September 23, 2024 3:23 am
    No one is right. Just because people dont agree with how leo is being treated doesnt mean they side with him. Lol its not redemption its him realizing thats its really over and he messed up i havent really seen... arielle_

    Yeah ofc, and it's not redemption, yes, i meant that there's some people that think just because it finally dawned on Leo that they've actually broken up, means that he's realizing his mistakes now, and actually doing something to fix it, but no, he actually hasn't hit the nail on the head yet and he still has a long way before becoming a better character, a better lover, maybe

    arielle_ September 23, 2024 3:32 am
    Yeah ofc, and it's not redemption, yes, i meant that there's some people that think just because it finally dawned on Leo that they've actually broken up, means that he's realizing his mistakes now, and actuall... my hobby is licking a**

    Idk i havent seen any comments that think he has fixed anything.Only that Jj is being overly aggressive. I mean he only had the realization 2 episodes ago realistically hes wallowin. And last part is a stretch lol we havent even seen what their relationship was even like fr.

    my hobby is licking a** September 23, 2024 3:42 am
    Idk i havent seen any comments that think he has fixed anything.Only that Jj is being overly aggressive. I mean he only had the realization 2 episodes ago realistically hes wallowin. And last part is a stretch ... arielle_

    Uhh I feel like you keep misunderstanding my words, like the redemption and then fix. Haha. Also I don't know what to say really, we're shown a few panels of flashbacks from time to time, good ones and the bad, theres some lines from others talking about their relationship too, and from the main characters themselves. Even though we haven't gotten a full flashback of their love story, we did get enough that we're able to understand what they've been before, we even got a flashback from when they first met.

    Kiwi ₊˚⊹♡ September 23, 2024 3:56 am
    No one is right. Just because people dont agree with how leo is being treated doesnt mean they side with him. Lol its not redemption its him realizing thats its really over and he messed up i havent really seen... arielle_
