Chapter 3

Seraphim September 23, 2024 12:05 am

I wish they expanded more on Mahiro’s relationship with his parents and he stood up to them. It hurts even more because it’s like looking into a mirror. Your parent’s anxieties and their issues that they project on you can screw up your childhood and your whole life if you let it. It took me a long time to even start questioning who I am or who I wanna be. If you’re reading this it’s never too late to break out of the box people put you in; friends, parents, society, whoever. If you’re a parent or want to be one acknowledge your mistakes, if you’re going to ask for the grace of forgiveness for making them then you need to own up to them first. I hope there’s a volume two bc Shuu seems to have a story with family as well. Anyways that’s the end of my rant i kind of hope no one reads this lmao

    BoletusRex September 23, 2024 5:00 am

    I think the way the author resolved it is fairly realistic (in the extra). There's no use "standing up to" parents like that. Sometimes the best thing you can do is realize that they're flawed people and just separate yourself from their influence and surround yourself with people who value you. And then, hopefully, by being independent, you can show them how capable you actually are.