
odawg_c September 22, 2024 11:15 pm

question for my driver high readers, who do you guys think is like more in the wrong and why? (Leo or JJ)

    Ishtar2003 September 22, 2024 11:25 pm

    As of right now (chapter 17) we are seeing a little bit of Leo’s side of the story and we’ve only gotten bits and pieces of JJ’s side. We can kind of put together what happened but it’s still too early. Right now, I think they are both at fault but we’ll see! :)

    rianchan September 22, 2024 11:26 pm

    i can't say for sure, and this is ONLY ON MY PRESPECTIVE. Both of them are in the wrong. Both have flaws. But I believe, J.J. is more on the wrong. They are both in a relationship, so they should both shoulder it's responsibility and communicating your feelings is one of the core essence of relationships. Leo is also wrong of course, but he has his own reasons and given his personality, J.J. should understand him more cause he knew him more and they spend years being together. And for all that time they spend, he didn't even tried saying his piece even once!?!?!? fuxkk him bro. He should've talk and made his mouth useful. And another thing, I hate the time that he absolutely wrecked Leo in his frustration. I know hes mad but that is not the right way. Leo is in the wrong too, cause hes so selfish and is not following what J.J. wants, but as I can see it, I think he can't help it cause J.J. ain't saying shit clearly.

    Again, this is my perspective only.

    big gay September 22, 2024 11:26 pm

    both of them, leo hurt jj unintentionally (the fact that it wasn’t on purpose doesn’t excuse his behaviour) jj on the other hand didn’t communicate that he was hurt which lead to all that

    booty September 22, 2024 11:27 pm

    tbh i think leo is more in the wrong (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 multiple communication issues between him and jj and more showed in this ch (leo instantly leaving jj to hang out w his friends, also buying him a car instead of going on vacation) while i do understand why he couldnt have been the most attentive bf, he clearly ignored a lot of things said by jj ( ̄∇ ̄") they both arent perfect imo

    Gayman102 September 22, 2024 11:28 pm

    Both, but JJ became even more wrong the time he forcefully had sex with Leo. They’re both dumb. JJ saying that Leo didn’t care about him when Leo did and him never voicing his complaints to Leo, and Leo never voicing how much he cared about JJ to the point it made him feel insecure. Actually yea JJ is more in the wrong, how can Leo know that he’s not doing enough if JJ didn’t voice it out? Idk they’re both dumb

    HereWeScreamSilently September 22, 2024 11:34 pm

    J.J cause mfer doesn't open his mouth and gets mad at leo for not being a mind reader. Leo's not innocent tho, I just happen to feel more sorry for him