The MC is the trashiest fujoshi, creepy and literally fetishizes gay men. Talking about putting a camera in his brother's room, shipping two irl people who have made it clear they don't like each other( whatever tf he thinks HiiragixKaede is) He has his good moments, but a few green stripes do not a green flag make. Honestly this would be better if him and Kaede, or him and Natsuchi senpai had their own arc and grew as people, but some dumb ass fujos keep getting in the way with their dumb ass nonsense "wHaT iS ThE oPppOsite of SemE" Thanks to everyone who spoiled the ending, won't waste more time on this
The MC is the trashiest fujoshi, creepy and literally fetishizes gay men. Talking about putting a camera in his brother's room, shipping two irl people who have made it clear they don't like each other( whatever tf he thinks HiiragixKaede is) He has his good moments, but a few green stripes do not a green flag make. Honestly this would be better if him and Kaede, or him and Natsuchi senpai had their own arc and grew as people, but some dumb ass fujos keep getting in the way with their dumb ass nonsense "wHaT iS ThE oPppOsite of SemE" Thanks to everyone who spoiled the ending, won't waste more time on this