Imagine being treated like a human dildo and being hated after

FaxThoughts September 22, 2024 10:31 pm

Like, why are you guys forgetting what Leo did to JJ. Why does JJ have to be the one understanding all. Be fr guys, Leo acts childish but is also a grown man.

    kikifrancis September 22, 2024 10:43 pm

    i lowkey thought that too, especially with the birthday gift matter....Leo is a brat and JJ doesnt need to pander to him anymore

    Anonymous September 22, 2024 10:47 pm

    Accidentally followed idek what that means. I'm not forgetting what Leo did, he was horrible and he is a selfish, childish man and he has been from the start. but JJ is wrong too, he never communicated anything, then he broke up expecting Leo to understand what he did wrong then got angry when he didn't. It's fine for them to have broken up after communicating and Leo doesn't change, but that never even happened.

    I think the author is saying what you're saying though, I don't think the author is trying to paint JJ as the person in the wrong, just Leo. But what do I know about the authors intentions.

    HereWeScreamSilently September 22, 2024 11:02 pm

    The reaosn why J.J should be understanding is because his ass never opened his mouth and now Leo's supposed to be in the wrong for not being a mind reader? Make it make sense, these two honestly dont even match

    kikifrancis September 23, 2024 12:39 am

    then there is something that is wrong with Leo's mental setup. Perhaps he is a little dimwitted because how can someone be that shallow and inconsiderate of their partner yet does not look inwards when shit hits the fan?

    FaxThoughts September 23, 2024 11:24 am
    Accidentally followed idek what that means. I'm not forgetting what Leo did, he was horrible and he is a selfish, childish man and he has been from the start. but JJ is wrong too, he never communicated anything... Anonymous

    There is a lot of blame to put on JJ, I can admit that. But really, is not up to him to explain to him what, he broke up, this is a message enough to give. He was in an abusive relationship, he was sought after just for sex, TWICE, in his point of view of course!

    FaxThoughts September 23, 2024 11:28 am
    The reaosn why J.J should be understanding is because his ass never opened his mouth and now Leo's supposed to be in the wrong for not being a mind reader? Make it make sense, these two honestly dont even matc... HereWeScreamSilently

    Nuh, like. A break-up is not opening his mouth? And what about people telling Leo that "He must have done something", but the guy can't try to look inwards?