Follow me on this if you may, imagine yourself really really wanting a job in a company th...

Tima September 22, 2024 7:21 pm

Follow me on this if you may, imagine yourself really really wanting a job in a company that has a good salary and good bonuses etc. A vacant position comes up and you apply for it. You pray on it to be given a chance for the job. You are called for an interview and without 'we'll call you back' shenanigans you are hired on the spot. Remember this is a job that you wanted. You start off so enthusiastic and passionate that even your employees and colleagues are impressed and see greatness in you. The salary, allowances and bonuses are good even great because they don't get affected even in bad economic climate because the company really cares for it's staff. Out of nowhere though you start showing up late, you start doing your work poorly which ends up affects your output. You are so used to your company treating it's workers good that you believe doing half assed work even over a long period of time won't get you in any trouble but one day you are called in an fired with immediate effect. The ego boost you got from the good job made you forget the fundamentals of being a good person which is empathy and humility. You are not given an explanation you are just told to leave and leave your pass on the desk. Is the company really wrong for firing you without notice when you've not been doing your tasks as you should because bitch you signed a contract stating you'd do your job well and any sign otherwise would solicit termination with immediate effect??

By default of being a shitty boyfriend Leo isn't owed an explanation for the break up even if JJ loves him. A relationship is like a contract when you don't perform as you should the other party doesn't owe you grace to not blow shit up.

    Zoë September 22, 2024 7:44 pm

    PERIODT! SOMEONE WHO FINALLY GETS IT The Leo glazers are so against JJ for wanting a proper relationship without being taken for granted

    Tima September 22, 2024 7:48 pm
    PERIODT! SOMEONE WHO FINALLY GETS IT The Leo glazers are so against JJ for wanting a proper relationship without being taken for granted Zoë

    Exactly. I've never seen so many people rallying and claim being stupid is a cute gimmick that should be tolerated. I don't take Leo glazers seriously they're only defending him cz he's a bottom.

    Zoë September 22, 2024 7:54 pm
    Exactly. I've never seen so many people rallying and claim being stupid is a cute gimmick that should be tolerated. I don't take Leo glazers seriously they're only defending him cz he's a bottom. Tima

    My thoughts exactly. They really do be letting anything pass and reward bad behavior. That's wild to me. The other thing is, why they accusing JJ of grape when Leo suggested being friends with benefits and consented to s*ex at that moment? Like they just be doing too much.

    Tima September 22, 2024 7:58 pm
    My thoughts exactly. They really do be letting anything pass and reward bad behavior. That's wild to me. The other thing is, why they accusing JJ of grape when Leo suggested being friends with benefits and cons... Zoë

    So many people in the bl manhwa space don't know the difference between sex that they don't like and actual rape. Leo does not even express that he was raped by JJ his main sentiments on the situation was to question why JJ claimed he didn't like sex outside? They fish for bs so much to deflect from the fact that Leo is a shitty person.

    P3achx September 22, 2024 8:01 pm

    Before breaking up they should have talked. He's been so long with him he definitely knew how thickheaded and immature leo is. How can he fix things when from his point of view he didn't do anything wrong? Conclusion: they both suck!

    Zoë September 22, 2024 8:01 pm
    So many people in the bl manhwa space don't know the difference between sex that they don't like and actual rape. Leo does not even express that he was raped by JJ his main sentiments on the situation was to q... Tima

    You don't even understand how relieved I am that someone actually gets the whole thing and isn't glazing Leo and trying to justify his shxtty behavior. I know JJ shouldn't hurt Leo by being mean to him, but he is also hurt and is trying to just do better for himself. I think him leaving and owing something for himself will be for the better. Everything he did was for Leo and Leo took him for granted and never appreciated it

    Tima September 22, 2024 8:07 pm
    Before breaking up they should have talked. He's been so long with him he definitely knew how thickheaded and immature leo is. How can he fix things when from his point of view he didn't do anything wrong? Conc... P3achx

    Why couldn't Leo also understand that JJ is shy and can't express himself well or is it that JJ should always be the bigger person? Accommodation and compromise are two way.

    Tima September 22, 2024 8:10 pm
    You don't even understand how relieved I am that someone actually gets the whole thing and isn't glazing Leo and trying to justify his shxtty behavior. I know JJ shouldn't hurt Leo by being mean to him, but he ... Zoë

    Absolutely!! I personally don't think JJ is intentionally hurting Leo. Leo is interpreting JJ's actions as such and rolling with it. JJ isn't bad for wanting to protect his heart from someone who is so careless with it.

    Zoë September 22, 2024 9:32 pm
    Absolutely!! I personally don't think JJ is intentionally hurting Leo. Leo is interpreting JJ's actions as such and rolling with it. JJ isn't bad for wanting to protect his heart from someone who is so careless... Tima

    I agree 100%