So .. he's done the same thing he's done with Tommy.. except they divorced and he didn't f...

Di7 September 22, 2024 2:51 pm

So .. he's done the same thing he's done with Tommy.. except they divorced and he didn't find time to cheat and someone told her about the cutting so she can get him to go to therapy
Tbh i feel his relationship with Tommy was more real .. the way it started the way they grow together the time they spent and they way they pushed each other to do better.. if he just opened up to her and didn't cheat out of the loneliness he created in his mind ..things would've been different
With tessa it started with cheating when he already was inlove with Tommy even when cheating he knew it was wrong but kept it anyway.. and he even regret it and felt guilty later and when he was cheating
Cause he barely knew Tessa other than the times they slept together it wasn't much and not even that much of a time and the marriage was rushed cause she got pregnant.. maybe if they kept seeing each other without getting pregnant they would've broke up
Idk it just feels the better ending that their relationship failed ..
And I don't want them to get back together.. it would be better to fall again for Tommy rather than get back with tessa
But again i want tommy out of this shit circle.. not howe not Keith or Linus .. i want her to be with someone new and healthier and better than allll of them

    Taky September 22, 2024 4:01 pm

    I have to agree. I don't want Tessa and Linus back together either. I know she was just trying to get him to go to therapy, but she was very manipulative in the middle of that conversation basically placing the blame for their failure of their relationship on Linus because he didn't come after her. Like it's just some game that he needed to play to prove his love to her.

    Di7 September 22, 2024 10:58 pm
    I have to agree. I don't want Tessa and Linus back together either. I know she was just trying to get him to go to therapy, but she was very manipulative in the middle of that conversation basically placing the... Taky

    She's selfish from the start and even now
    Like she knew from the start he kept things to himself like that's what got him to cheat with her in the first place!
    And if feels the only reason she tried talking him to therapy cause the daughter saw it .. like they were together for a while and even when he was cheating with her and she knew he was going through a hard time but she didn't care or tried talking about therapy instead she made him feel even more guilt
    And drifting apart? It doesn't happen overnight ..
    she also watched it happen for a while and let it
    Some might say she was anxious and needed prove of love cause they married cause the was pregnant but what kind of prove you can get while asking for divorce! And what kind of love you can get from someone who's with another but cheating with you?
    But what to expect from someone knew the other was taken and going through hard times and used his vulnerable state to sleep with him and made him cheat and even hate himself more cause i remember some scene like after the were together he was crying and feeling really guilty and blaming himself for cheating on tommy but she was thinking that she knew she's making him hurt but she wants him (something like that) and she kept going after him and even put the blame on tommy cause she didn't support him like you can't support someone when you don't know that they need support??? But then now she did the same to him and she even left him.. while tommy only left cause of cheating
    It feels like what went wrong with Linus and tommy relationship happened again but with Linus and tessa(the silence the same with Tommy tho tommy didn't leave cause she got bored like this tessa) and tommy and Keith the cheating like when Linus cheated .. both knew what happened with the other relationship and still did the same to them

    nogodonlymanga September 23, 2024 10:43 pm

    no. linus and tess did not "barely know each other" when they started sleeping together. they shared their most vulnerable parts w each other long before they ever shared each others' bodies. TOMMY did not know linus. linus was too scared to let her and she didn't ever bother to try.

    Taky September 24, 2024 3:55 am

    Truth is no one still knows Linus because he's too scared to let anyone in.

    Di7 September 24, 2024 4:09 am
    Truth is no one still knows Linus because he's too scared to let anyone in. Taky

    True .. he either rely on relationships or work (now) or alcohol to avoid his issues but not actually work on it
    He uses anything as a distraction but in the end when he's alone it's the same for him
    Some might blame tommy but it wasn't her fault she didn't leave him on her own and if someone won't let you in the only thing to do is wait til he's ready and not pressur him
    Tessa tried helping him but not for helping him I don't know if it makes sense.. cause she used his issues and insecurities to get him to be with her and it only made him worse cause he felt guilty and hurt because Tommy left(and it's her right to leave tbh) all of it on top of his problems and she even blamed Tommy .. and after the kid she just ignored it and left even knowing what's going on
    He needs time alone without anyone and figure himself out and work on his issues before getting into new relationships again
    And even with tessa he didn't share everything he only talked about some stuff but not actually the issues