
Horny Hamster September 22, 2024 4:20 am

I feel like people are hella sensitive over not liking this story… someone says they don’t like that the ml raped an tortured the mc and its “WELL ITS DARK ROMANCE! ITS MAFIA WHAT DID YOU EXPECT! IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT READ IT! BYE FELICIA!” whoa.. touched a nerve there… calm down, ppl are allowed to have a fucking opinion. JESUS! I’m one of the people that genuinely liked this story before the torture and rape were thrown in there… now was the rape and torture needed? Hell no I think it ruined the story and made it absolutely GARBAGE! Like what did it add? No honestly? What did it add? Other then giving the uke Stockholm syndrome so he’d “love” the seme… so I guess anyway he wasn’t a “green flag” obviously! He killed ppl but he didn’t need to fucking rape ppl! Rape in bl/yaoi is so overused it’s fucking disgusting and ppl love it they get off to characters being raped but don’t get pissed when others are TIRED of it continuously used for plot. That’s my rant over.

    ✧˚༓☆ Elkia ☆༓˚✧ September 23, 2024 11:25 am

    Literally the realest comment I've ever read in this site

    A0I_X September 23, 2024 4:43 pm

    The very same people who would fawn over stylus fr lol

    hanakiss September 24, 2024 7:25 am

    Yes, I absolutely agree. I said the same thing about Mad Dog. It was so good until the rape.