I don’t mind nepotism if its for me! Give meee gimmeee my own company mr ido!

Rose Addam September 21, 2024 11:27 pm

I don’t mind nepotism if its for me! Give meee gimmeee my own company mr ido!

    Carmel September 21, 2024 11:40 pm


    Tifa September 22, 2024 12:37 am

    Seriously tho speaking about reality, I will accept with open arms. Considering how hard it is to climb the ladder. The rest of the performance is up to you so I guess you just have to prove your worth.

    Rose Addam September 22, 2024 4:31 am
    Seriously tho speaking about reality, I will accept with open arms. Considering how hard it is to climb the ladder. The rest of the performance is up to you so I guess you just have to prove your worth. Tifa

    True! Office politics everywhere, at least we have a head start somewhere rather than the bottom of the rank and being jostled here and there. Sighhh life.