Looking for

HollowBrat September 21, 2024 7:20 pm

I don't remember exact details for this manhwa, but I hope someone knows it. It's historical European setting, the fl gets dumped or something by a noble. One of the servant girls comes with her to a coffee shop that she opens on the edge of town. The fl bakes desserts and stuff. I also remember there being a prominent china set that she used/got in the café.
Some noble girls hear about her cakes and order one to make fun of her, but she brings them a bomb cake that they can't even complain about.
The men I remember:
The guy that dumped her
The brother of the guy that dumped her
Her best childhood friend who's a Knight/soldier(I was really rooting for him, he's so sweet but we all know the childhood friend doesn't get the girl)
