I wonder... (hypothetical)

LadyLumiere September 21, 2024 1:54 pm

What if the reason for all the unwarranted hostility towards her is BECAUSE she's a ssintess? Like being one somehow makes others want to covet or attack you subconsciously? And it's one of the reasons for all of them dying during that war.

    Qxeen_zxy September 29, 2024 5:00 am

    Maybe. This is actually the same idea as the psychology behind why obsession is so dangerous. An obsessive will have this image in their head of who the other person is and as long as that person stays within this tiny little box, they receive love but as soon as they step outside the box or even just toe the line, it causes the obsessive’s delusions to shatter thus causing thoughts and acts of violence against the subject. Saintesses tend to be seen in one way and one way only so it makes sense the public would hate her for stepping out of that role.