Surprise Character Growth

Iamlordyayaya September 21, 2024 10:32 am

At first i thought this would be another brain rot smut manga with a usual happy ending but each twist is actually surprising. At first each chapter felt random as if we skipped a few, i even went back and checked. It took me a sec to realize we are literally viewing this from her perspective in the latter chapters. In the end, we the readers, have no idea what the relationship is and how much time has passed and feel the same anxiety as the fl with each decision made(or forced onto her ). Im not saying this is Shakespeare but i was taken pleasently off guard. Her character growth happened so naturally I didn't even notice. I disliked her personality in the beggining but she had such low self esteem from her backstory and just how she speaks about herself no wonder she was a literal doormat. I also like how the antagonist personality is consistant. He's the "male lead" but at no point is he "kind" just doing a means to an end. Repeatedly we're bashed in the head not only verbally but through his actions that he is 100% an asshole and that our protagonist is so lonely that she ignores all the red flags. I really hope she gets her vengeance away from him with the servants who are also written quite well in the morally grey zone.

Side note: I want to add while I fucking despise the brother and he is 100% an asshole too I just want to say that the context clues that he cares about the fl like how she's past marriageable age even though it describes how their flat broke. Her brother didn't even suggest forcing her to marry someone until he started getting clues about what was happening at the Estate. Seeing how shes portrayed as blonde and blue eyed from a noble family the despite the "stutter" the bride price wouldve been nice. Even if he knew certain death he still tried escaping with her and how he was hurt when she didn't recognize him. "Not even your own brother?" Of course I'm not excusing his actions because he was clearly raised and acts like a dick but somewhere deep down in that clogged toilet, he cares.
