
Sazz September 21, 2024 9:36 am

They raped him while he was unconscious and he DIDN'T find out until he saw photos they took of him. He'll get gang raped until he wants to die by 10+ people and oh, they'll have a horse almost rape him. Yes, you read that right. EVERYONE in this school is a fucked up lowlife. I'm dropping and nope, the psychological horror is below average. This story is just violent for the sake of being violent, it's a boring copy paste of the other extremely fucked up yaoi out there. It's something like 'No reason'. So let's not give props to authors that lack creativity and simply create something as violent as possible for shock value since they can't actually think of something original. It's an uninteresting story with uninteresting characters and Insert every possible way someone can get raped and voila! This abomination was created. Had this had rape as means to add to the already interesting plot and characters, i would like it, because this would actually mean it's an interesting story. This one is simply not. I regret wasting my free time to this.

    mwnjuns_ September 21, 2024 10:02 am

    its really boring and lack storyline... idk how ppl enjoy this story

    Sazz September 21, 2024 10:21 am
    its really boring and lack storyline... idk how ppl enjoy this story mwnjuns_

    This. It's just horrifying to be horrifying. The plot isn't substantial in any way.