Like adding onto the the child thing...it's like when you're in the hospital and the decision is to save the child or the mother...you'd obviously pick the mother. Dang the child ain't even processed it's alive yet. Save the mother and simply get pregnant again. You'd lose the love of your life over something that isn't even in your arms yet? I think im wording this harshly but I feel like actually choosing the child over the mother is harsher. Unless the mother specifically told you to choose the baby and you both came to terms with that decision

1. I think it's just a parent's nature to be overly protective of their child. What the dad say is his interpretation of the observed action of Lee Bin. Since he's cautious of him, it's possible that his opinion will be tinge with bias hence what he said. It's a valid assumption ig, since Bin's possessive tendencies can be interpreted that way by someone outside of the relationship.
2. It's perfectly valid to feel upset especially if your lover doesn't want to keep your child together. You have to take their emotions into account bruv. But yeah, I get your point. Wanting to keep a child must have a consensus between the persons involved. I'm glad they talked about it and no unnecessary angst was given.

1. So we saw that scene from the dad's pov? Cause ik it's natural but even from the reader's pov Bin was acting weird during that scene. So I was just wondering if it was a mistranslation or smth more that I missed
2. Ofc! Not saying Gok wasn't valid. But Also Bin's pov was more understanding! Cause like I said...it's the same irl where the doctor would tell the patients they can save the mother or the baby and most people or at least lot of people I've seen lol, choose to save the mother. Like yeah I'll feel bad but at the same time you can always try again Killing the love of your life for a feetus is crazy work
Like Bin and Gok both knew the consequences, hence why Bin didn't want it so bad. But Gok was on the side of "I'd choose to save the baby over myself"
It's just me venting cause I don't agree with him but that's his choice
Question: Was there a mistranslation for when Bin met Gok's parents? Like and when they left Gok's dad said Bin was watching Gok's every move, "As if he doesn't trust him" But that doesn't make sense? Trust him with what? Regardless, of course he did
Hot take: Gok was in the wrong when he got upset at Bin for not wanting to keep the baby.
Of course Bin can't tell him what to do given it's not his body. But Gok needed to realise he went behind Bin's back trying to get pregnant. And he wouldn't have kept it a secret if he didn't feel guilty. Bin was just worried about Gok because...let's be real. He only survived for the sake of "sweet story". Not only that but if Gok wanted children so badly they couldn't adopted. A child being blood related doesn't mean they're still not family in the end.
"This is our baby we're talking about" Boy be fr, ts ain't even developed yet.
But hey, it all worked out in the end.
I just didn't like that Gok was upset at Bin for a reasonable reaction
Like not throughout the series. Although he was definitely hotter during the second couple's story. Wish we got more of them or even more of the dad and white haired lycan. Forgot their names atm sorry. BUT in the first season after he admitted his feelings to Gok...he became like obsessively....uh....what's the word I'm looking for...like he was definitely obsessive over Gok but also suddenly sensitive to every little thing Gok did?
But yeah that's it
Honestly I only wanna reread about the first couple and the chapters of white haired lycan and the dad. The second couple...they're good but at the same time meh?