The title has 'betrayal' in it. Can anyone spoil me about it?

Bingmei September 21, 2024 6:57 am

The title has 'betrayal' in it. Can anyone spoil me about it?

    Cher September 21, 2024 2:49 pm

    Following this so I'll know the answer

    Huh October 10, 2024 1:37 am

    Well I can’t read Korean at all. And I just skimmed through this, not really sure who is really the one who betrayed each other but in the next chapter, the main character encounters baldie and black hair together in another room. Baldie held the black hair guy at gun point, but black hair had blood on his face and a smirk, then we learn something about black hair being in something big, and the main character held his gun at the black hair guy. But main character ended up being conflicted about it and black hair takes off his glasses as he stepped on it, with a smirk. Mc walked over to baldie and lowers his gun but baldie was done with the bullshit as he pulled off his mask, yelled at the mc but mc grabs baldie’s arm, which angered baldie as baldie pulls away and mc got pissed off and grabbed baldie on the collar and tells the mc about smt which made mc turn and point his gun again at black hair, only for the main character to shoot his gun at baldie.

    Now this part is gonna be the summary of chap 9-19. After baldie got shot in the hand, he began shooting at the mc twice, on the leg which grazed him and at his head, only for the black hair to pull mc away from the headshot. But mc doesn’t trust any of them as he pulled away. Black hair runs up to baldie, punches the shit out of him, and twisted his neck as he soon killed him. mc is traumatized, black hair runs up to mc, assaulting mc as he bit mc on the neck, mc kicked back before fainting, wakes up in the passenger seat with the black hair driving them to another place. Then mc wakes up in the middle of an operating table as he was getting stitched up, get pills, leaves, goes to a car, drives, almost get a car crash as he is traumatized, goes to a hotel, sleeps there. Wakes up to see black hair standing over him and given a phone to call someone, goes to the bathroom to talk as it’s private. Middle of the call black hair appears, sa mc but let go mid way of touching mc’s dick, learns something about the call once he picks it up again, bedroom again, mc gets assaulted, handcuffed, but black hair only sticks a finger in, then leaves, embarrassed abt something. Comes back with clothes and uncuffs mc and then next chapter 20 which I’m not gonna summarize but give you a prize of the raw bc I got bored of this and I didn’t want to read anymore격발?stx=격발