Ok so I have some follow up questions if you dont mind
1. Which part of the jacket ? I cant see it
2. I went to look for the original cover and found out the part that didnt connect doesnt exist in the original cover. But instead on there is the title of the manhua. The cleaner probably try to remove the chinese text and accidentally cause the image to have that crop.
Here is the original image i found : https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl= https%3A%2F%2Fstatic-tw.baozimh.com%2Fcover%2Fzhujiaoxitongwozaigejiedangdalao-dongmanshe.jpg%3Fw%3D285%26h%3D375%26q%3D100&tbnid=tZxxB4fFuZT7yM&vet=1&imgrefurl= https%3A%2F%2Fcn.baozimh.com%2Fcomic%2Fzhujiaoxitongwozaigejiedangdalao-dongmanshe&docid=3F8FXYTe14-LUM&w=285&h=375&itg=1&hl=en-GB&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F2&kgs=606988c19249e378&shem=abme%2Ctrie
3. I cant comment on the looking like generic ai image since ai is trained using real human art so they can looks similar. There been more cases of human art being mistaken as ai because they have the generic ai art but the sad case is their art probably got stolen and is feed as training data for the ai

Look at the hand and then look at other hands from ai generated ''works''
Also people who draw may notice better but if you try to imagine the line art from the neck to the shoulder and the back, its also off
And like Randomweeb said, the jacket, zoom and look at where the abs and hip (?) there are mistakes there. (If u still cant pinpoint, look at the bottom left, the part of the jacket where its kinda blue and not black like the rest of the jacket! which also means the coloring is wrong lol)

Ok so
1. The jacket near the top you see like the the jacket part near the hands is just not connecting it's literally fading out to nowhere. The bottom part of the jacket you can also see how it doesn't make any sense the jacket looks like it's supposed to short but then suddenly increase in length also there's a part there that's like sliced. I would also like to point out that the hands look like it's blending into the background.
2. Can't really comment on the original since I only based this off the cover here.
3. I know that ai is trained on real human artist but ai is mainly known for using a more rendered style paired with heads that lare rendered differently compared to rest of the body. It is a bit hard to recognize at first but compared to normal artist Ai would make mistakes that no artist of that level would typically make. With super rendered style and obvious mistakes it makes it clear that this is ai.
Also I probably recommend checking out some videos on how to identify ai art they help pointing out mistakes that ai art make.
How do you people know the cover is ai generated? Do i have no eyes to discern these type of thing ? Or it is all just allegations