Chill out

reading.eel September 20, 2024 9:44 pm

I don’t know why so many people comment that they have a problem with the "new" art style. Yeah, its sad that it changed throughout the story but the storyline is still good. And its not like the "new" style is bad . I‘ve read so many storys with really bad art styles and sure it influences the way I view the story in total, but this story has 1. a good storyline, 2. green flag characters, 3. an art style that is still very much enjoyable.
If you think different, than thats obv fine but you don’t have to comment that EVERY SINGLE TIME when a new chapter comes out. The art style changed a while ago, get over it.

I like the art style and the way the mc is being portrayed now. And tbh while reading the new chapters, I always forget that there was a different style in the beginning but the lovely comments always remind me.

    crazy8 September 21, 2024 1:52 am

    Pretty much feels like you replaced the main character with extras. Don't get me wrong the story so far is good but when you change the are style when it's been 30 chapters made already with that style it's just disappointing

    Mikaela September 21, 2024 4:31 am

    Bc some people connect with the characters while reading and associates their appearance with their personalities so if you BAM change the art suddenly some will feel weird and disconnect themselves from the story .

    reading.eel September 21, 2024 7:28 am
    Bc some people connect with the characters while reading and associates their appearance with their personalities so if you BAM change the art suddenly some will feel weird and disconnect themselves from the s... Mikaela

    I get that, totally understandable. But I don’t get why its still the main topic in the comments and not the stuff that happens in the newest chapters. It just makes me kinda sad that the plot is being ignored and a lot of people just comment about the style change. Made sense in the beginning but its been a while so I don’t get why its still such a big topic.

    reading.eel September 21, 2024 7:37 am
    Pretty much feels like you replaced the main character with extras. Don't get me wrong the story so far is good but when you change the are style when it's been 30 chapters made already with that style it's jus... crazy8

    I understand that it’s disappointing (the old art style was really cute!) but I just wish that the comments would contain more stuff connected to the storyline and not the art style. It makes sense that, in the beginning, people were sad and wanted to comment on the art style change, but even now, every time I open the comments there are more about the art style than the actual plot :<
    Its just kinda sad to me especially because the story itself is good.

    Mikaela September 21, 2024 7:37 am
    I get that, totally understandable. But I don’t get why its still the main topic in the comments and not the stuff that happens in the newest chapters. It just makes me kinda sad that the plot is being ignore... reading.eel

    Bc new readers are finding this story everyday so they'll put their opinion about the style like anyone of us we're not special.