
Haha yeah. I thought they were blueberries rather than strawberries. I wonder why Sensei choose strawberries? XD

They're raspberries
Haha yeah. I thought they were blueberries rather than strawberries. I wonder why Sensei choose strawberries? XD
They're raspberries
Forgive me as I translated both the new chapters there... well... the truth is... this had been the hardest chapter for me to translate so far. Why? Because of Gou-chan's words are so... i dunno... bocchama-ish?
Tsundere : At first I was puzzled by his words... 'tsun'... I thought he was trying to say to speed up the moment for Shuuya's presence around him but then after asking some of my friends (who most of the time my proofreaders) about it... we confirmed that Gou-chan is actually pretending to be a tsundere so that Shuuya won't think he's a pervert since he always keep on thinking of doing it with Shuuya while Shuuya is always like hardly shows any interest in it.
Strawberry... : Haa... I've rechecked that here and there... it's clearly written "イチゴ" means "ichigo/strawberry" ever since I saw the picture of it. I was like wait wait wait.... that's raspberry right?! But then sensei wrote it as ichigo. I checked with my friends again and yep... it's strawberry for ichigo and none other... raspberry in Japanese is called Koiichigo... "木苺" or they'll just call it razuberii... sooo it took me a while to whether stay strawberry or change it... After some hard thoughts about it... I decided to just stay true to the manga cuz I REALLY VERY ADORE AND RESPECT MOMOKI SAE SENSEI!! So yep... I'll just put strawberry there.... :)
Sorry again if you disagree~ please wait for the original translator to fix it up to everyone's satisfaction. ^_^;;;;