Why all this love for yuri?!! It's obvious she's playing and she was funny at some chapter...

Di7 September 20, 2024 2:19 pm

Why all this love for yuri?!!
It's obvious she's playing and she was funny at some chapters and she's playing the game but she took it too far .. like girl you made Sanghee break down and almost quit the game! At least keep it at minimum when she got back! Or at least have some respect
Like okay play the game but keep it known you're playing and make it clear to the glasses guy
Like she didn't mind it when Sanghee left the show and didn't think it's a problem if their 10 years relationship got ruined cause of her cause she's used to it ruining her relationships or others .. she only left glasses guy when he got serious about her like oh I don't like it anymore .. she's just selfish in a bitchy way
Tho he's the one at fault and all to blame for taking it seriously and throwing 10 years relationship for lust ..
But yuri took it too far just for a bag? When they were doing it to get married!
Okay Sanghee better know about him now cause the way he turned out to be he would have definitely cheated later on .. she's better leaving him sooner tbh but i doubt it before the show ends of at least before she loose all her hope in him and decide to leave the show cause there's no point in that money anyway

    Bokutachisan September 20, 2024 2:29 pm

    I mean she is in the wrong but it was his fault for falling for her antics if he wouldn't have caved in first none of this would have happened
    You can't expect kindness from others but from someone that you know
    Honestly I am glad yuri did whatever she did atleast that brought his rotten character to light

    lucasisahoe September 20, 2024 3:15 pm
    I mean she is in the wrong but it was his fault for falling for her antics if he wouldn't have caved in first none of this would have happened You can't expect kindness from others but from someone that you kno... Bokutachisan

    Exactly I don't understand people blaming Yuri for the fact that the glasses guy is taking this so seriously he is the one that's falling into her trap we all know she's not even seriously flirting with him she's doing it for the game but also sanghee when she broke up with him she should have just stayed away from him I like her but I'm not gonna feel sorry for her because she's doing this to herself

    lucasisahoe September 20, 2024 3:16 pm
    I mean she is in the wrong but it was his fault for falling for her antics if he wouldn't have caved in first none of this would have happened You can't expect kindness from others but from someone that you kno... Bokutachisan

    Exactly I don't understand people blaming Yuri for the fact that the glasses guy is taking this so seriously he is the one that's falling into her trap we all know she's not even seriously flirting with him she's doing it for the game but also sanghee when she broke up with him she should have just stayed away from him I like her but I'm not gonna feel sorry for her because she's doing this to herself because it was so obvious to everyone that he was gonna do the same thing again if he came back so

    Di7 September 20, 2024 6:04 pm

    She's not just playing the game she isn't that innocent .. like for example the prison thing you all remember the cuddling the stupid confession and sure everything happened before the cuddling is known .. she camera were off ! There was not points involved but still they did it .. she's just having fun
    And the messages the meetings after the lights went off or when there were no cameras ..
    And remember the start of the show ? She and her bf what they called what they did ? The introduction? They were cheating and breaking up all the time to come back together to cheat again and that was their relationship
    She enjoyed it and didn't
    He took it seriously yes! He mistook lust and does he actually think she's just doing it for the game? No
    He actually thinks she has feelings for him cause she didn't keep it game thing even the teasing and messing with Sanghee they don't get her points but still she did them
    And he started caring about her and being shitty to Sanghee
    He's to blame cause he actually fell for it , no one said all the blame goes to her but she isn't just playing the game
    And Sanghee breaking up with him isn't that easy cause we're talking about 10 years relationship and were gonna get married.. the whole idea is overwhelming just wasting 10 years like this
    she actually might think she knows him better or like maybe it's a misunderstanding or even believed him when he said it's for the game cause you can't just like that break up from a 10 years relationship with someone just throwing away all the time efforts youth and everything you put and worked hard for and everything you spent together..
    and maybe it's even their first relationship and Sanghee isn't sure of what to do or wants to believe in him
    like idk but based on glasses guy reactions from little flirting to booom love it sounds like he never got attention from anyone else other than Sanghee
    but then you can see Sanghee actually starting to realize maybe not to point of breaking up yet but still she is
    maybe she thinks she wants to trust him trust in those 10 years together and it's understandable

    Di7 September 20, 2024 6:10 pm

    But actually now I'm thankful to yuri .. I don't like her or what she did or doing but like hopefully saved Sanghee from him .. cause he would have cheated later on definitely
    And if she's only doing it for the game she wouldn't have just backed off when he told her he loves her and don't tell she didn't notice him falling for her! She's not that stupid
    She knew it and ignored it and when it got serious she just naaah that's too much for me .. lets go for the next cheater