sate my brother fetish

PEEPEE- DRINKER September 20, 2024 5:43 am

ALRIGHTY sequel to my last question -

RECOMMEND YAOI WHERE THEY ARE BROTHERS - adopted brothers/stepbrothers/half-brothers etc is fine.
Bonus points for blood related
Bonus bonus points for NOT deadly serious at all times/drama only etc.

    BoardingSine September 20, 2024 6:00 am

    Only 3 chapters but this one stayed on my mind for a few days.

    PrettyMenSupremacy September 20, 2024 6:13 am

    YOU! HEY YOU YES YOU!….you my twinnnn ヾ(☆▽☆) NOBODY UNDERSTANDS THE HYPE THAT IS BROTHERLY INCEST AHHHHH SO GOOOOD!!! (I lob yuuuuu <3 anyways here are the recs)
    Dangerous love between brothers
    You’re the apple of my eye
    Eunsoo’s good day
    Aniki no Ichiban Oishii Tokoro
    Heart beat
    Spring is near (brother is 2nd ml)
    The male cross dresser didn’t get proposed to today (brother is 2nd ml)
    Marigold dilemma
    Unholy night
    Night of the unmarked (kind of)
    My Brother Looks At Me With Increasingly Evil Eyes (Manhuahot)
    I have to be a great villain (first arc)
    In the deep
    Dear teddy bear
    Spilled blood
    Pond with flowers
    I Can’t Run Away From My Brother-In-Law! I Just Lost My Virginity (brother in law…)

    PEEPEE- DRINKER September 20, 2024 6:58 am
    YOU! HEY YOU YES YOU!….you my twinnnn ヾ(☆▽☆) NOBODY UNDERSTANDS THE HYPE THAT IS BROTHERLY INCEST AHHHHH SO GOOOOD!!! (I lob yuuuuu <3 anyways here are the recs)Dangerous love between brothers You�... PrettyMenSupremacy

    Omfg THANK YOU!! gonna go thru this first thing tomorrow, I love you so muuuuuch ,

    shrine September 20, 2024 7:03 am

    Just jump atp