Yup and she's only a few years older. They mention a few times growing up that they were both kids and that's possibly why they got along so well. She wasn't some creepy adult, she was a bored and lonely teenager playing with the only other kid of a similar age.
Honestly, it seems like a bit of trauma bonding occurred between them. He latched onto the only affectionate individual in the house and she latched on to someone to protect. The only reason she didn't lose her shit on her first night is because she noticed him in the closet and didn't want him to get caught and banished. He pushed through the war relying on his affection for her. They both suffered through crap relying on the other as emotional support. Jacques, however, 100% tried to groom the MC and failed misserabley. You can't force kinks.
Does Jacques deserve to be ostracized for his kinks, no but he does for being a selfish pos who abused and raped his wife.
“By the time you wake up…” Sir wdym ?! Tbh I think he’s gonna kill everyone in the mansion but her husband deserves it like he’s so shitty no amount of redemption can save him idgaf if his father pressured him to be perfect that gives you no right to treat your wife like shit but I hope her maid doesn’t die :(
- Another thing I just want to throw out there why are y’all calling her a groomer when she’s not ? The literal definition of that is when “someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them” and the FL has done none of that so stop throwing that word around if you don’t know what it means. That word only applies to Jacques (however it’s spelt) y’all forgot he literally manipulated her since she was a 15 yr old bride with no say in her marriage.