I actually love the main couple oops

fudanbrainrot September 20, 2024 4:58 am

I really like Sk and Win and their dynamic a lot more HOWEVER I felt like the fact that they decided to develop their relationship after establishing the second was kind of odd. I really appreciated them trying to do something different but like as the other people have noted it felt a lottle backwards. Plus we didnt get to see them getting to know eachother when they started dating which I would have loved.

Side note: I felt SOOO bad for Jun. Like he wasn’t even a scumbag, he was really just a misguided youth who had no idea how to navigate his relationships w Win.

Side side note: Everyone is being so harsh on Sk…? Not saying what he did wasnt wrong, but I dont really think him being rough during sex makes him irredeemable considering the other 99.9% of the story he has done his best to be a good to Win.
