People complaining about the length are so annoying!! The manga quality too-- The author i...

Moop September 20, 2024 4:39 am

People complaining about the length are so annoying!! The manga quality too-- The author is notoriously ill, and updates have often been delayed because of this--

As for the length, please rereaed the first chapter! The author literally says they wanted it to be a long running story!

Finally, im sick and tired of people boiling it down to their romance! its abt kyoko's journey as an actress!! they literally acknowledge this in their confessions? kyoko wants to establish her own career before they start dating?

    Darkhikari September 20, 2024 4:49 am

    Well at least even ill she is Still able to update it monthly so its really great....

    taks24 September 20, 2024 7:14 am

    as someone following this for more than 15 years and have read her series prior this one, I expected that this will run for a long time already. This used to be a twice a month release before it went to monthly release. I'm more surprised with Nakamura-sensei still able to keep up with her schedule considering her health. I don't give a thing about others complaining the art cos I doubt if they can even write something like this that will hook readers and also produce a decent art. Some, if not all, can't afford to support the author by buying their manga. Yes, I do read those released in weekly shounen jumps and yes people still complain for everything. If they read all of the released chapters of the manga in one go, they will definitely notice of how short the whole series. Kyoko's way to stardom is still too far. She's a total newbie, she's really lucky enough that she was casted with famous stars. But as Lori said, "she's a diamond in a rough". She needs polishing. If we think about it, while she has a lot of potential as seen by the artists, she's still not as famous as the other stars. She's like in real life artists who have been in the industry for a decade yet still haven't made big of their name sometimes with the right timing that's when they shone. Readers should be used by Nakamura's sensei's writing by now. She's into details unless these people wanted a timeskip. Then just narrate what happened the end.

    Moop September 20, 2024 8:04 am
    as someone following this for more than 15 years and have read her series prior this one, I expected that this will run for a long time already. This used to be a twice a month release before it went to monthly... taks24

    exactly!! ive been reading for nearly a decade now too, and this is the best way to put it!! nakamura-sensei notoriously BUILDS UP to the next arc... and while i have my qualms with certain aspects, such as the "lotus in the mud" arc, the writing has hardly changed!! evidentally, this recent set of arcs, have all been building up to explore tsuruga ren's character, and his past as kuon-- i dont think others understand this is a vvv important climax in the story!! i can't believe there's a belief that nothings happened these past 20 years, when evidentally, so much is happening in these recent chapters!!

    rray September 20, 2024 10:12 am
    Well at least even ill she is Still able to update it monthly so its really great.... Darkhikari

    Idk I am following this from. 2006 . Idk why they think it's too slow.

    rray September 20, 2024 10:14 am
    Well at least even ill she is Still able to update it monthly so its really great.... Darkhikari

    I came here for the story I'll see what senses give us . And will wait patiently and pray that she well. Its her probably last work she is giving her best at least we could cheer her.

    taks24 September 20, 2024 2:01 pm
    exactly!! ive been reading for nearly a decade now too, and this is the best way to put it!! nakamura-sensei notoriously BUILDS UP to the next arc... and while i have my qualms with certain aspects, such as the... Moop

    I think most of those who complain, wanted just the ending. I've been seeing a lot of people not just here even in meta and reddit are complaining about the pacing. For me, they don't see the essence of the story. They're already contented that Kyoko and Kuon would get together. Some may have forgotten that this isn't all romance. Right, have they forgotten how Kuon is Ren now? Kuon played a part in Kyoko's childhood. And that person can't just appear in front of her as him naturally because of his past. How about Sho? I don't believe we're already done with her issues with her parents. Nakamura-sensei presented us a character like Kyoko with a lot on her plate. She's not that kind of writer who will ignore that. I just hope that sensei can still give this a proper ending at her own pace. I don't want her to be pressured that will ruin the flow and produce lots of loopholes.

    taks24 September 20, 2024 2:16 pm

    Oh speaking of her health, chapter 329 which is supposed to be released this month will be moved on Oct. Nakamura-sensei's sick again yet those privileged kept on complaining :(

    SharkVice September 25, 2024 10:00 pm

    I guess I'll answer your assumptions and grievances since I have complained. In my case, I don't think I've ever complained about the pacing or romance (at least I can't remember ever doing so in the years I've been reading this). This story is def slow but it's worth it. The story is indeed about Kyoko's career and personal growth and not so much about the romance. I mean we went though the first 200+ chapters with minimal romantic development. That shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone that has gotten this far.

    I have however complained about the missing backgrounds in panels. I know very well that backgrounds (and betas and other sht) are actually usually left to assistants especially in the case of big mangakas. So while Nakamura is indeed ill that doesn't mean an assistant can't draw the backgrounds. Someone let me know that in the volume version the backgrounds are there and that it's only for the magazine version that they're missing. I am honestly not sure why it's done that way. Is this how Hana to Yume rolls nowadays? Cause at least back in the day, they would get assistants to do all the backgrounds and shadings and wtv for the magazine release. I remember that very clearly from the magazine versions of Gakuen Alice, Special A, Seiyuu Ka, Kamisama Hajimemashita and other Hana to Yume comics I read. So when it comes to backgrounds and stuff like that, it's not actually a criticism of the author. It's a criticism of the publishing company and the team that's supposed to support the author. If Hakusensha decided that's the way they wanted to roll ok. Maybe they're having resource issues idk. But if I was them I would publish each of Skip Beat's chapters a month after Nakamura submitted the manuscripts in order to allow assistants to have enough time for finishing touches. Cause otherwise honestly it feels like she's working so hard and here they are publishing the half-baked versions. They might as well just publish the pencil sketches instead. That's just my honest opinion.

    rray September 27, 2024 12:27 pm
    I guess I'll answer your assumptions and grievances since I have complained. In my case, I don't think I've ever complained about the pacing or romance (at least I can't remember ever doing so in the years I've... SharkVice

    Was ur issue for every chapter? B4 you should read mangas that encompasses the mangakas life. Life happens but they can't stop serialisation. And edior of a hana to yume of seiusa by no mean put that one chapter of unfinished chapter unless it was emergency. Its top magazines and in Mt guess the only reason was sense couldn't even draw the basic bord that assistant could work on. I can't say one moment of revelation of skip beat seems cliché to me. Even reusing some common trope sensei made it cooler. Given her Tokyo crazy paradise was long run. She envision her world on them and love the characters more us. And as I said seiusha( spelling might be wrong) is the best manag publisher unless they had emergency that wouldn't happen and bro like do u even know how editors and managa work together for a series. It's their life and who indulge on pirated version and indulge on their silly mistakes pls have some decency

    rray September 27, 2024 12:37 pm
    I guess I'll answer your assumptions and grievances since I have complained. In my case, I don't think I've ever complained about the pacing or romance (at least I can't remember ever doing so in the years I've... SharkVice

    I have no issue with delay
    I have no issue with sender's drawing
    As seiusha didn't drop sensei despite of her poor health I have respect for the(Read manga related management publishing like bakumon it's a night mare b4 every release for author and editor )
    I don't if I'll die b4 reading the end but as every arc drops something I'll be content.

    Skip beat isn't a cliché manga that gain 3 year or popularity then off to unknown. Been with more then 2 decade. Its way of lifestyle. I wish and hope and pray sensei get well soon . Its her story she wants us to listen and we are hear but not her health cost. And I don't know if u heard sometimes editors waits hrs hrs hrs to get artists draft why? Cause they can't write when hit writers block and sooooooo many good manga was sacrifices for this reason. I have read many editors patiently wait for them to get start writing. Imagine being assign a great manager then sensei suddenly collapse with few hrs left they gave to publishing company. And as u said bg drawing if assistant could do everything sense might well as let them take of the total art is that what u implying? Like can they draw like sensei?

    SharkVice September 28, 2024 11:06 pm
    I have no issue with delayI have no issue with sender's drawing As seiusha didn't drop sensei despite of her poor health I have respect for the(Read manga related management publishing like bakumon it's a nig... rray

    A manga is story + art yeah? Each mangaka has their own style and every mangaka writes their own original stories. The manga creation process includes multiple steps like the story board, filling in the lines, adding the basic black color, adding backgrounds, adding shadings and other effects, and adding the sound text (vrrooom, woosh, etc). I am not sure what you mean when you ask "can they draw like sensei?". Assistants aren't meant to come up with their own storyboards and panels for a manga. They're only there for the details. They try to mimic the mangaka's art style so sht doesn't look out of place. I am also not sure what you mean by "if assistant could do everything sense might well as let them take of the total art". Backgrounds and shadings are not 'the total art' which is why usually it's done by assistants. I am very sure Nakamura isn't doing all those little details herself on her own when it comes to the volume versions. She's already busy preparing the new chapter coming up for the magazine release. Little things like details are left to other people. Of course Nakamura has to put pointers of what she wants in the backgrounds and wtv, and she has to give her blessing on the final product.

    In other words, what I am trying to say is she isn't a one woman team. Yes, when it comes to the story she's the only one that can give us a new Skip Beat chapter. She's the only one that can make the storyboard. But she's not the only person that can put a "VROOOM" sound text on a panel. Nor is she the only person that can color a character's hair black. Nor is she the only person that can add shadows, shading, or flowers on the background. There's people that help with that so she doesn't have to waste her time with those little things. Maybe I'm missing the point you're trying to make, but I don't really understand your response.

    SharkVice September 28, 2024 11:20 pm
    Was ur issue for every chapter? B4 you should read mangas that encompasses the mangakas life. Life happens but they can't stop serialisation. And edior of a hana to yume of seiusa by no mean put that one chap... rray

    It's not for *every* chapter because I'm not including chapters like chapter 1 or chapter 200. The white (missing) backgrounds on panels has been a recurring thing though which is why some other people have been pointing it out. I think I actually made a comment regarding it last year.

    Shueisha is the parent of Hakusensha but Shueisha has it's own shoujo magazines like Ribon and Margaret. Hana to Yume (and all similar titles) is serialized by Hakusensha.

    Now your point of people shouldn't be complaining about something they aren't even paying for is fair. But that would be true about commenting in general. No one should be commenting on a story they aren't paying for. Whether it's praise or complaints it's hypocritical coming from a community such as ours.

    Moop September 29, 2024 12:52 am
    It's not for *every* chapter because I'm not including chapters like chapter 1 or chapter 200. The white (missing) backgrounds on panels has been a recurring thing though which is why some other people have bee... SharkVice

    i believe during covid nakamura sensei didn't have a lot of assistants, or any at all for health and safety reasons. though i pressume, she did before. I suppose now it's merely a matter of cost, availability, or personal choice. I'm not sure why she doesn't have assistants exactly, but i suppose part of the reason is her inconsistency due to health. If nakamura sensei has delays in storyboarding, that means delays for assistants. That is my theory, but maybe they're just not readily available.
